Hume Dam Flood Action


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Adley Burstyner and Harwood Andrews are jointly investigating a claim alleging:

  • Dam controllers were negligent for the system which failed to release water when it was safe to do so, throughout August and various times in September.

  • The large releases made in October, resulting in flooding, could have been avoided if earlier releases had been made.

  • Breach of duty by the Murray Darling Basin Authority and/or the officials behind it.

  • Dam controllers must pay damages to individuals and business who suffered from this man made and avoidable flooding. READ MORE HERE.

The following graph shows the absence of releases while the water dramatically rose:  


By August 8th, the dam was already 77% full and rising at around 10% per week.

On 29 August 2016, the following written warning was given by a concerned landowner: "We are getting nervous... 97% and rising! As soon as another rain …we will be flooded again ... the dam is way too high too early...BOM’s forecast is still wetter than average ..Any sort of general rain will see Hume fill at 2% per day so we appear to be headed for a disaster"

On 4 October 2016 ...  



  1. Claimants will NOT HAVE TO PAY up front. A case will be completely no win – no fee.

  2. Joining a group claim means being one of many – no need to stand out from the crowd. Expressing your interest means you will be kept in the loop about the case and be invited to participate. It does not commit you to anything.



Expressing your interest means you will be kept in the loop about the case and be invited to participate. It does not commit you to anything.

Because a critical mass of people and businesses are necessary to make the case viable, please express interest below and share our information sheet with other businesses and individuals.

For more information or to contact us, we can be reached via email, website, Facebook or Twitter

To express your interest in this claim please complete the form below.

Important note regarding protecting your claim by recording evidence

It may make a big difference to the amount you can recover (or whether you can recover any damages) if you preserve timely evidence of your losses and extra costs. For example:

  • Physical damage: Photos of the damage (before it’s repaired), and all invoices and similar regarding repair costs, or any other form of loss.

  • Costs to manage the impact of the flood: For example for moving farming operations and using other resources which ordinarily wouldn’t be part of your operations

  • Any conversations with the MDBA or other authorities (BOM) or other key people: Notes of any key conversations or meetings should be prepared and kept. The notes should be written up during or shortly after those conversations, and include the date, matters discussed (even if a summary to jog your memory later), and names of relevant persons.

  • Any other evidence showing the losses and costs, including reasons why the flood is responsible for those losses, both in photos and paperwork.